You are free to do as you wish with these. I am backing these up hoping I will be able to use MemoryStick to import them into the PlayStation 3.

The Final Fantasy 10 save has a Super-Yuna that *attacks* at 99,999 ^.^ We called this the "SuperSave" xD

Also none of these saves are based off of any online saves. These are all legitimately earned. As I stated, you are free to check them out, but this is mainly for personal backup.

These saves require Action Replay MAX, although you can convert them into virtually any format using the PS2 Save Builder.

Index of /zefie/media/Apps & Archives/PS2 Saves

  Name Last Modified Size Extra

Up Parent Directory - -  
MAX 20016_10462_EVERGRACE0.max 2014-May-28 15:31 28.14KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20312_894_FF10__01__.max 2014-May-28 15:31 15.42KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20312_15352_FF10__02__.max 2014-May-28 15:31 11.25KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20362_1998_NFS_HP2.max 2014-May-28 15:31 18.22KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20469_11149_XenosagaEP.max 2014-May-28 15:31 30.14KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20488_517_SOTETBattl.max 2014-May-28 15:31 453.92KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20488_1431_SOTET_03_0.max 2014-May-28 15:31 147.7KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20488_4621_SOTET_04_0.max 2014-May-28 15:31 147.7KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20488_12938_SOTET_02_0.max 2014-May-28 15:31 147.69KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20488_15800_SOTET_01_0.max 2014-May-28 15:31 147.7KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20564_13896__hack_QUAR.max 2014-May-28 15:31 462.33KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20672_6463_FFX_2__02_.max 2014-May-28 15:31 38.3KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20672_14506_FFX_2__01_.max 2014-May-28 15:31 41.63KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20946_3836_SanAndreas.max 2014-May-28 15:32 201.68KB [ md5sum ]
MAX 20994_12553_FullmetalA.max 2014-May-28 15:32 37.82KB [ md5sum ]
RAR PS2SaveConverter_0_030.rar 2014-May-28 15:32 67.34KB [ md5sum ]
ZIP 2014-May-28 15:32 127.61KB [ md5sum ]

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