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Available Known Firmware for Ferrox CFW

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MD5SizePUP VersionDescription & LinkFile Added
E7F40B5D0C4E604C58D9918C355796F1199.15MB4.87 - FERROX COBRA [1.00]4.87 FERROX COBRA 8.204 years ago (2021-06-24 14:42:34)
63937BB8DBB900B3F5BE17F91D8C57C4198.91MB4.86 - FERROX COBRA [1.00]4.86 FERROX COBRA v1.004 years ago (2021-06-24 14:42:53)
AB1BD8C18B8B27AF1A06FC2034B4463F198.92MB4.85 - FERROX COBRA 8.24.85 FERROX COBRA 8.204 years ago (2021-06-24 14:42:04)
BEEFC45ADD365E6DA5C12976AA802F19197.77MB4.84- FERROX COBRA [V1.00]4.84 FERROX COBRA 7.55 v1.004 years ago (2021-06-24 14:42:20)
117AC0F24AFF848901533E5E0DFB0508198.1MB4.83- FERROX COBRA [1.00]4.83 FERROX (w/ COBRA 7.55) CFW4 years ago (2021-01-01 17:26:17)
C504F8AD56A3FC4D27B1F9101B873554195.4MB4.82 - Ferrox [1.00]4.82 FERROX (w/o Cobra) CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:58:07)
4EA0375A93CD888AFBDF8797BB1A9D4F197.79MB4.82 - FERROX COBRA 7.55 [v1.01]4.82 FERROX (w/ COBRA 7.55) CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:59:11)
C4A878C836BE5EF13A660109A8941BBD197.76MB4.82 - FERROX COBRA 7.53 [v1.00]4.82 FERROX (w/ COBRA 7.53) CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:58:54)
022566210D679A73CB0786E4171E140E195.39MB4.81- FERROX CEX 1.004.81 FERROX (w/o Cobra) CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:55:51)
CFA9E3E52C164251C3D96DC1CC6E8D17195.07MB4.81 - FERROX COBRA CEX 1.004.81 FERROX (w/ COBRA 7.30) CFW4 years ago (2021-06-25 02:09:48)
37238780C8A8F26B49F609AA0D813ACD195.06MB4.80 - FERROX [COBRA 730]4.80 FERROX (w/ COBRA 7.30) FINAL CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:53:33)
B387BB3C5C1B11208D1F82D09ED02604195.21MB4.80 - FERROX 1.004.80 FERROX (w/o Cobra) v1.00 CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:54:01)
859B362D59CEA061950AD99F9E2C93FB195.23MB4.78 - FERROX 1.00 noBD4.78 FERROX NOBD CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:52:27)
2667DFDCFDE78BA68A77388925D99970195.24MB4.78 - FERROX 1.004.78 FERROX (w/o Cobra) CFW5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:51:52)
80E4F5C1830205013F80AA068AD24782195.65MB4.70- FERROX 1.01[noBD]4.70 CFW FERROX NoBD EDITION V1.01 by Alexander [WARNING: install only on consoles with broken & missing Blu-ray Drive/LogicBoard] (Built on an OFW 4.70, disable CoreOS ECDSA check, LV1 & LV2 peek/poke, patched coreOs Hash Check, Install Package Files & /app_home/PS3_GAME, reActPSN compatible, RSOD Screen Bypass, BT/BD Patches, InGame XMB ScreenShot, Remote Play, Compatible: PS2/PSP minis/Remastered, ReActPSN, Lv2: Removed all unnecessary Patch, Disabled Cinavia protection)4 years ago (2021-01-02 17:02:43)
9DE5268B07C652ACC2F81645DE0CDE23195.51MB4.66 - FERROX 1.004.66 CFW FERROX BD EDITION v1.004 years ago (2021-01-02 17:11:49)
9F5F5E144685BFDD01C1D6F21BD3A403195.51MB4.65- Ferrox 1.004.65 CFW FERROX BD EDITION v1.004 years ago (2021-01-04 10:07:36)
65686204A5B4BAD4D80FDDB9D682B8F9195.24MB4.60 - Ferrox 1.014.60 CFW FERROX BD EDITION v1.1 CEX4 years ago (2021-06-07 10:36:51)
11FB844002F20303CAE40057261F5EF6193.6MB4.53 - FERROX 1.004.53 CFW FERROX v1.0 CEX by Alexander (Core OS 4.53, disable CoreOS ECDSA check, LV1 & LV2 peek/poke, patched coreOs Hash Check, RSOD bypass, noBD/noBT installation patches, XMB in-game screenshot feature, reActPSN compatible, Remote Play, can be installed on CFW 4.x Rogero/Habib/Rebug from Recovery)5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:27:23)
F47B206749D6630013F638C9DB533E97193.37MB4.50 - FERROX 1.004.50 CFW FERROX v1.0 CEX by Alexander (Core OS 4.50, disable CoreOS ECDSA check, LV1 & LV2 peek/poke, patched coreOs Hash Check, RSOD bypass, noBD/noBT installation patches, XMB in-game screenshot feature, can be installed on OFW 3.55 and all CFW)5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:21:52)
3E4F520C7C13CC6F1BDEC53F721E07AE193.2MB4.46 - LDZ FERROX RC1 [PUAD] [PUAD]4.46 CFW LDZ FERROX RC2 by Alexander (Core OS 4.46, disable CoreOS ECDSA check, LV1 & LV2 peek/poke, patched coreOs Hash Check, Install Package Files & /app_home/PS3_GAME, reActPSN compatible, RSOD bypass, Compatibility with 999 Downgrader) [WIP]5 years ago (2019-09-27 02:16:26)
ED3403FF96048A4D52037DE013372A02170.33MB3.55-FERROX NOBD 1.013.55 CFW FERROX NoBD v1.01 [No BD Full Patch] [WARNING: install only on consoles with broken & missing Blu-ray Drive/LogicBoard]4 years ago (2021-01-02 16:54:43)